Use of inadvisable in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include inadvisable at the start of sentence, inadvisable at the end of sentence and inadvisable in the middle of sentence

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inadvisable at the end of sentence

  1. Running on the ice is inadvisable.
  2. Her condition made surgery inadvisable.
  3. Changes in the patient's condition may make surgery inadvisable.
  4. By now Christmas was fast approaching, and further travel would soon be inadvisable.
  5. All is not lost - old walls appeal to four of the five senses, taste alone being inadvisable.
  6. Generally, longer periods of sitting in tight cross - legged or kneeling postures are inadvisable.
  7. This working method, which is related to that used especially for running movements, is inadvisable.
  8. Applying mosquito coil incense to household use relating to infant brain development is inadvisable.
  9. An overnight use of air conditioner in summer, closely relating with facial paralysis, is inadvisable.

inadvisable in the middle of sentence

  1. It's inadvisable to overemphasize this point.
  2. Skiing is inadvisable if you have a weak heart.
  3. It is inadvisable to bring children on this trip.
  4. Bad weather made the trip inadvisable at this time.
  5. The judge deemed it inadvisable to hear the appeal.
  6. It is inadvisable to have too much sugar in your diet.
  7. For three days, it was inadvisable to leave the harbour.
  8. The musical play inadvisable to lead into in Sha site museum.
  9. The longest call, inadvisable to exceed two generally also hour.
  10. It is inadvisable to involve more than one contractor on a project.
  11. It was thought highly inadvisable for young women to go there alone.
  12. It is inadvisable to generalize from the results of a single experiment.
  13. Another group felt that it was inadvisable to change horses in midstream.
  14. Strident, overbearing leadership is inadvisable in this political culture.
  15. Therefore, it is inadvisable to extrapolate from those studies to disadvantaged populations.
  16. However, it would be inadvisable for revolutionary socialists to base themselves on this unlikely variant.
  17. Most agencies tell their single volunteers it is inadvisable to form relationships with locals or other expats.
  18. Eleven years of trapping has demonstrated that it is inadvisable to generalise from two or three years' experience.
  19. Subsequent additions and amendments to software may be technically possible, but inadvisable because of subsequent upgrade issues.
  20. It was therefore inadvisable to conduct statistical tests when missing data from some schools distorted the representativeness of the sample.

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