Use of incapacitated in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include incapacitated at the start of sentence, incapacitated at the end of sentence and incapacitated in the middle of sentence

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incapacitated at the end of sentence

  1. According to the Bolsheviks' own admission, the local militia was incapacitated.
  2. Together with the pain of an episiotomy, these feelings left her almost incapacitated.
  3. The document leaves open the question of how to remove a president if he becomes incapacitated.
  4. Even if the prey is not killed outright, there is a greater chance that it will be incapacitated.
  5. This debilitating absence has raised, first, the question of when and how a leader should be declared incapacitated.

incapacitated in the middle of sentence

  1. He is incapacitated and can't work.
  2. She is incapacitated by a sore throat.
  3. Her mother has been incapacitated by a fall.
  4. He was incapacitated by old age and sickness.
  5. Poor eyesight incapacitated him for the army.
  6. The accident left me incapacitated for seven months.
  7. His injury incapacitated him for playing basketball.
  8. Migraines still incapacitated him on a regular basis.
  9. Last year, severe storms incapacitated the whole town.
  10. A serious fall incapacitated the 68-year-old congressman.
  11. By this time my father was totally incapacitated by his illness.
  12. Poor health incapacitated him for work / from working all his life.
  13. The volunteers shop, drive, and cook for people incapacitated by cancer.
  14. I have in fact only once been incapacitated, on that occasion by a severe attack of malaria.
  15. He gave up his business interests in 1958, when he was partially incapacitated by coronary thrombosis.
  16. If they remain chronically incapacitated for work they can now claim invalidity benefit at a higher rate.
  17. He suffered from the kind of hypersensitivity which, unchecked or unguarded, would have incapacitated him.
  18. Atwater had become increasingly incapacitated by an inoperable brain tumour during the last year of his life.
  19. The warhorses are assumed to be slain or incapacitated, but any surviving crew may continue to fight on foot.
  20. In April 1991, ten months after reelection, Molly suffered a massive stroke that incapacitated her for months.
  21. Before he was incapacitated, Menelik had won recognition for his conquests and acceptance of his new frontiers.
  22. As the second-in-command under a nearly incapacitated president, many observers had expected her to take center stage.
  23. They assert that the student has been incapacitated by the power differential, and must be in need of their protection.
  24. The benefit can start either four, 13 or 26 weeks after the policyholder is incapacitated and payments continue for 52 weeks.

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