Use of indigene in Sentences. 5 Examples

The examples include indigene at the start of sentence, indigene at the end of sentence and indigene in the middle of sentence

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indigene at the end of sentence

  1. Fortunately he soon made friends with an old indigene.
  2. We'll go to Stone Forest. The Stone Forest is considered wonders of the world by indigene .

indigene in the middle of sentence

  1. When area of forests reduced, indigene had more farmland to raise more individuals.
  2. On the other hand, they should benefit indigene, give feedback to local and seek mutual prosperity.
  3. Sun was one of the most important symbols for Man and was worshiped in many indigene cultures as God.

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methionine -
قدرتی یا مصنوعی امائینو ایسڈ جو جگر کی بیماریوں کے علاج کے لیے کام آتا ہے
A crystalline amino acid containing sulfur; found in most proteins and essential for nutrition.