Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of indiscernible

indiscernible meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
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Use of indiscernible in Sentence [19 examples]

1) indiscernible


Difficult or impossible to perceive or discern
غیر مُمیز

2) indiscernible


Barely able to be perceived
the transition was almost indiscernible
بمُشکل قابِل شناخت
غیر ممیز یا غیر محسوس شے

3) indiscernible


Not capable of being distinguished from something else.
ناقابل ادراک

4) indiscernible


not to be discerned; imperceptible; not discoverable or visible
ناقابِل اِمتیاز

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