Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of inoculate

inoculate meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
inoculate Urdu Meaning inoculate Urdu Meaning
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Use of inoculate in Sentence [28 examples]

1) inoculate


Introduce an idea or attitude into the mind of.
My teachers inoculated me with their beliefs.
ذہن میں ڈالنا

2) inoculate


Perform vaccinations or produce immunity in by inoculation.
We vaccinate against scarlet fever.
The nurse vaccinated the children in the school.
ٹیکا لگانا

3) inoculate


Impregnate with the virus or germ of a disease in order to render immune.
بیماری سے تحفظ کی دوا ڈالنا

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