Use of installation in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include installation at the start of sentence, installation at the end of sentence and installation in the middle of sentence

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installation at the start of sentence

  1. Installation of the new system will take several days.
  2. Installation is claimed to be a simple d-i-y job, and full instructions are supplied.

installation at the end of sentence

  1. Do you have to pay extra for installation?
  2. All large ships now have a wireless installation.
  3. Please restart your computer to complete installation.
  4. This is directly attributable to this major new installation.
  5. It would cost $300 million to decommission the nuclear installation.
  6. Crime statistics, pedestrian activity and public perceptions of security will all be monitored before and after scheme installation.
  7. It incorporates all the Solaris Workgroup technologies plus advanced system administration, commercial-grade input-output and enterprise-wide installation.

installation in the middle of sentence

  1. Do you have an installation diagram?
  2. Did you see my installation at Dachau?
  3. And that all means lower installation costs.
  4. The whole computer installation was nearly new.
  5. The installation is due to be completed this month.
  6. Handling installation Fixing with Gyproc cove adhesive 1.
  7. In order to improve matters, installation costs must fall.
  8. The IT department will assist you with installation and setup.
  9. The ship docked in Portsmouth for installation of new equipment.
  10. The installation of the new archbishop will take place in January.
  11. This is Pabulum's second installation in the broadcasting marketplace.
  12. He sent a letter inviting Naomi to attend his installation as chief of his tribe.
  13. Hundreds of lives could be saved if the installation of alarms was more widespread.
  14. Do check before installation as too dry an atmosphere may affect furniture adversely.
  15. What they will see is light in the form of an installation by that past master of lux deluxe, Dan Flavin.
  16. In another single-room installation, 15 photographs by Diane Arbus explore the psychology of popular culture.
  17. It is therefore important to have all of this information to hand before beginning the installation procedure.
  18. This will allow refitted wagons to be marshalled in mixed train configurations pending the completion of installation work.
  19. But the high capital cost problem that prevented the installation of the relay towers has turned into an operating cost problem.
  20. Another factor here has been the slow but invaluable installation of Traffic Collision Avoidance System radar in commercial airliners.

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حسب منشاء چلانا ,اشاروں پر چلانا ,قابو میں رکھنا
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