1) instantNoun
A very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat). If I had the chance I'd do it in a flash. | بہت کم وقت بہت کم وقت جیسے آنکہوں کا جھپکنا بہت کم وقت میں جیسے پلک کا جھپکنا لمحے کا وقت لمحہ مختصر سا وقت کم وقت |
2) instant |
Occurring with no delay. Relief was instantaneous. Instant gratification. | فوری فوری طور پر |
3) instantNoun
A particular point in time. The moment he arrived the party began. | لمحہ |
4) instant |
In or of the present month. Your letter of the 10th inst. | ماہ حال |
5) instant |
Demanding attention. Clamant needs. A crying need. Regarded literary questions as exigent and momentous. Insistent hunger. An instant need. | توجہ طلب |