Use of intestinal in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include intestinal at the start of sentence, intestinal at the end of sentence and intestinal in the middle of sentence

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intestinal at the start of sentence

  1. Intestinal Calcium Absorption. Dietary calcium gains access to the organism mostly by transport in the small intestine.

intestinal in the middle of sentence

  1. The second difference was in intestinal absorption.
  2. It attacks the intestinal tract, liver and other organs.
  3. Also invoked against appendicitis, intestinal disease, and seasickness.
  4. Dietary phosphate did not interfere with these intestinal effects of calcium.
  5. The bullet ripped through her intestinal tract and lodged in her lower abdomen....
  6. Also patron of sailors; he is invoked against appendicitis and intestinal disease.
  7. Both increased bone resorption and increased intestinal absorption of calcium occur.
  8. Our immune systems used to encounter intestinal parasites as part of normal development.
  9. The expected association between antral tumours and intestinal metaplasia was also seen.
  10. Calais arose over jurisdiction, but returned before his death from an intestinal disease.
  11. The fact that he's still trying for the championship is a tribute to his intestinal fortitude.
  12. The distal end of the intestinal segment was connected via a plastic tube to a basin on the plate.
  13. Her intestinal symptoms progressed and she vomited copious amounts of fluid every two to three hours.
  14. Otherwise, clinical signs are absent except in the occasional case of intestinal or biliary obstruction.
  15. The Figure shows the relation between serum carnitine concentrations and the degree of intestinal atrophy.
  16. The inflammatory response influenced intestinal fluid transport partly via activation of the enteric nervous system.
  17. In eight of the 11 patients, full thickness intestinal biopsy specimens were available for histological examination.
  18. The syndrome also may be seen in other conditions associated with intestinal malabsorption or nutritional deficiency.
  19. The possibility that intestinal epithelial cells may produce platelet activating factor has been suggested by Kald etal.
  20. Reduced numbers of intestinal mucosal plasma cells have been reported, with a return to normal values after antibiotic treatment.
  21. Consequently, the lytic activity of faecal water was decreased. Dietary phosphate did not interfere with these intestinal effects of calcium.
  22. And in exceptional circumstances, microscopic intestinal parasites have survived to indicate some of the health problems that people suffered.
  23. Discussion Phagocytic cells are found in the intestinal mucosa; they are heterogeneous immunohistochemically in both normal and inflamed mucosa.
  24. In support of this theory there is evidence of a close correlation between activity of Crohn's disease and conditions within the intestinal lumen.
  25. Four of the nine patients requiring a small intestinal biopsy had impaired linear growth emphasising the potential serious effects of this illness.
  26. In the chronic therapy of hypercalcemia caused by increased bone resorption or increased intestinal calcium absorption glucocorticoids are effective.
  27. Most studies entailing isolation of intestinal epithelial cells invitro and subsequent grafting invivo have used intact undifferentiated fetal endoderm.
  28. The gastrointestinal investigations comprised sigmoidoscopy, barium enema and upper intestinal endoscopy as these are most readily available in the United Kingdom.

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