Use of israel in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include israel at the start of sentence, israel at the end of sentence and israel in the middle of sentence

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israel at the start of sentence

  1. Israel is set to free more Lebanese prisoners.
  2. Israel accepted billions of dollars in war reparations.
  3. Israel has a relatively small standing army and its strength is based on its reserves.
  4. Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it, whatever colour they are and whichever language they speak.

israel at the end of sentence

  1. They boarded a flight for israel.
  2. Jack dehorts me from visiting israel.
  3. Several Arab countries have not yet acknowledged israel.
  4. The Washington Post leads with the latest news from israel.
  5. Greece has established full diplomatic relations with israel.
  6. People from every country of the Diaspora now live in israel.
  7. It would just be a continuation of previous visits he has made to israel.
  8. The talks were attended by observers from eight Arab countries and israel.
  9. Mr Cook has arrived in Greece on the final stage of a tour which also included Egypt and israel.

israel in the middle of sentence

  1. Life in israel will continue as normal.
  2. He recited israel losses during the war.
  3. The state of israel was created in 1948.
  4. He had been in israel for the best part of twenty-four hours.
  5. They arrived in israel on the same plane that bore Assad's coffin.
  6. The problems of israel, Lebanon, and the Gulf were tightly interlocked.
  7. Do you think the Arab countries will come to terms with israel one day?
  8. israel asked for a loan to help with the absorption of Soviet immigrants.
  9. I think israel tends to be at the leading edge of technological development.
  10. Ethiopian Jews were entitled to immigrate to israel under the Law of Return.
  11. israel had originally wanted $1 billion in aid, but compromised on the $650 million.
  12. The peace process has ground to a halt while israel struggles to form a new government.
  13. israel was reported to be offering guidance to the army on controlling civil disturbances.
  14. The United States and israel clashed over demands for a UN investigation into the killings.
  15. In 1979, Egypt made a genuine offer of peace, and israel reciprocated with an offer of territory.
  16. Syria and israel broke a six-month deadlock in their talks when they sent peace envoys to Maryland.

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