Use of junket in Sentences. 15 Examples

The examples include junket at the start of sentence, junket at the end of sentence and junket in the middle of sentence

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junket at the end of sentence

  1. Or did his wife send him on a junket?
  2. Today the bards must drink and junket.
  3. Shevchenko was in Moscow yesterday, for some publicity junket.
  4. Rennet is added too, which makes the milk clot and set firmly into a junket.
  5. The answer seems to be a lot of time spent talking-as well as the odd junket.
  6. Great business relationships are forged on golf courses, fine restaurants, and the occasional junket.
  7. Had he come home alive, some reporters would have no doubt trashed the trip as a taxpayer-paid junket.

junket in the middle of sentence

  1. So we have to use junket rennet.
  2. Pretend you're in a junket and answer these questions.
  3. When she came in with the junket, the row had obviously developed.
  4. On this particular junket to Xiamen he was shopping for real estate.
  5. Usually you do a press junket in one place, and then you go to the next one.
  6. They are and sour pork, almond junket, shrimp omelet and Chicken in and sour sauce.
  7. Her junket won't change many Chinese minds but It'speak volumes about her party's changing priorities.
  8. Last week's stateside press junket for the new film was scotched after national journalists caught their planes, but for reasons unknown Godard missed his.

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