Use of justifiable in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include justifiable at the start of sentence, justifiable at the end of sentence and justifiable in the middle of sentence

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justifiable at the end of sentence

  1. We consider this action justifiable.
  2. Are these experiments morally justifiable?
  3. She has done a great disservice to her cause by suggesting that violence is justifiable.
  4. This enabled the banks to pull out on the grounds that involvement was not commercially justifiable.
  5. Secondly, that any delay which did occur was reasonable and, as indeed the judge himself found, justifiable.
  6. Education is the trickiest area, because of constant arguments over when segregated schooling is justifiable.

justifiable in the middle of sentence

  1. The rule is justifiable on safety grounds.
  2. The jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.
  3. The cutbacks are justifiable on the grounds of cost.
  4. Can violence ever be a justifiable method of protest?
  5. Do you think war is justifiable in certain circumstances?
  6. Whether mercy killing is justifiable is still an open question.
  7. But this justifiable pleasure does not disguise the fact that much was left undone.
  8. Foster parents were as likely as their wards to find a justifiable cause for bellyache.
  9. Deception, in the case before him, he deemed justifiable, preferable to a direct approach.
  10. The violence of the revolutionary years was justifiable on the grounds of political necessity.
  11. This all-embracing assumption is most improbable but it is justifiable since it never lets us down.
  12. Sensible and justifiable decisions, properly communicated would raise morale rather than diminish it.
  13. In the current economic climate it is not justifiable to provide screening services of doubtful value.
  14. In each case the reports have concluded that marijuana prohibition is without a justifiable foundation.
  15. I have a suspicion that the justifiable coverage we got in the media hardened the hearts at Shire Hall.
  16. Is football a justifiable expense when the college cannot afford enough English classes to meet students' needs?
  17. Yet he could return to Cairo with a justifiable sense of pride in knowing that he had delivered what he had promised.
  18. This sense of pride, which in some black GIs manifested itself in justifiable impatience, led to many bloody confrontations.
  19. To ignore the interests of relatives is neither ethically justifiable nor practically helpful if we wish to involve them in care.
  20. There was no justifiable reason for differential treatment of the part-time employees concerning the increase in salary and reduction in work hours.
  21. While separating these activities analytically from other major processes, like emotional support, it does this for justifiable theoretical reasons.
  22. It is essential that any proposals should be scientifically justifiable otherwise costs increase and jobs are threatened with no real environmental benefits.

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