Use of kidnapper in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include kidnapper at the start of sentence, kidnapper at the end of sentence and kidnapper in the middle of sentence

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kidnapper at the end of sentence

  1. Will Gumshoe Goose arrest the kidnapper?
  2. They were laying a trap for the kidnapper.
  3. So, what are your theories so far about this kidnapper?
  4. The woman was raped and then murdered by her kidnapper.
  5. Detectives are trying to build up a picture of the kidnapper.
  6. Living in fear. Young mum gets phone threats from her kidnapper.
  7. For more than two years, the authorities hunted for the kidnapper.
  8. The police asked for a news embargo while they tried to find the kidnapper.
  9. After her release she was able to give vital information about her kidnapper.
  10. Dustin Hoffman as Hook looked more like a Regency fop than a serious kidnapper.

kidnapper in the middle of sentence

  1. Typewritten ransom note ? kidnapper was organized.
  2. Her kidnapper extorted a £75,000 ransom for her release.
  3. Her kidnapper extorted a £175,000 ransom for her release.
  4. The kidnapper asked for a ransom of fifty thousand dollars.
  5. The kid kidnapper cannot get rid of a ridiculous kidney disease.
  6. The kidnapper was shot dead then and there by the armed policeman.
  7. Her kidnapper successfully extorted a £75,000 ransom for her release.
  8. Her kidnapper successfully extorted a £175,000 ransom for her release.
  9. The kidnapper met twice with an eccentric representative of the Lindberghs.
  10. Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic surveillance equipment.
  11. Detective Holt said: "The kidnapper is a man we must catch and the sooner the better".
  12. After collecting the cash, the kidnapper made his escape down the disused railway line.
  13. Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh , Pearl's confessed kidnapper, was the front man in Nuss'1994 abduction, too.
  14. What kind of kidnapper would sit down and write a three-page ransom note demanding a paltry $ 118, 000?
  15. On carriage district, she is enmeshed in happiness and joyance all the time, cooperate kidnapper exceedingly.
  16. Either Quinn knew just what he was doing or he was going to provoke the kidnapper into putting down the phone.
  17. For more than two years, the authorities hunted for the kidnapper. Public pressure demanded the case be solved.
  18. During the nationwide hunt for Stephanie's kidnapper the case was featured on Crimewatch on February 20 last year.
  19. Somebody has kidnapped Baby Chick-Chick! Was it Granny Fox, or Fat Fox? Will Gumshoe Goose arrest the kidnapper? Open the book and you will see!

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