Use of klutz in Sentences. 15 Examples

The examples include klutz at the start of sentence, klutz at the end of sentence and klutz in the middle of sentence

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klutz at the end of sentence

  1. He's such a klutz.
  2. I wanna say that I'm a klutz.
  3. An awkward person, a clumsy person She's such a klutz.
  4. I feel very comfortable playing the klutz. I am a klutz.

klutz in the middle of sentence

  1. I know you a klutz, but I love you anyway.
  2. Oh I'm a klutz. I can never express myself well.
  3. I'm not going to pay that klutz a plumber one cent!
  4. I'm a bit of a klutz and that can be pretty embarrassing.
  5. However , I assure you that I can be a real klutz sometimes.
  6. "Look what you've done, you silly klutz!" Nathan said angrily.
  7. That klutz lost several account receipts, so the accountants were upset.
  8. He a klutz, dropping his animals and chasing them around the lab a broom.
  9. Tom's a real klutz when it comes to baseball - even if he hit the ball he'd trip on the way to first base.
  10. Yuma: I need to catch some apples and show I'd not useless, but the tree's too tall and I am a klutz, I should try.
  11. If we had every klutz jump into the orchestra pit, or prance on the opera stage, or slop paint with Picasso, we would have some great parties but no art.

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