Use of labourer in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include labourer at the start of sentence, labourer at the end of sentence and labourer in the middle of sentence

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labourer at the end of sentence

  1. He got a job as a builder's labourer.
  2. Her husband had been a farm labourer.
  3. My father was an unemployed labourer.
  4. These rights apply even to the meanest labourer.
  5. He was born in Hambleden, some of a farm labourer.
  6. Machinery never does the job as well as a labourer.
  7. But does wage - labour create any property for the labourer?
  8. Oscar, who is 34, occasionally gets some work as a labourer.
  9. He went to Paris in search of work as an unskilled labourer.
  10. Her father was an artist who sometimes worked as a salesman and labourer.
  11. With relief, I abandoned any pretence at being clever and became a mystic assistant labourer.

labourer in the middle of sentence

  1. The labourer hardly [ scarcely ] deserves his wages.
  2. He tells you he is a farm labourer or sometimes a brickie.
  3. The accused man is an unemployed labourer from South London.
  4. He eventually found work as a labourer on a construction site.
  5. The meanest labourer has the same rights as the richest landowner.
  6. Read in studio A labourer has been crushed to death by a cement lorry.
  7. George Broomham was a farm labourer from East Woodhay, a nearby village.
  8. Young Dan Tennant, a farm labourer from Bakers Farm was on his way home for lunch.
  9. Legal holiday arrange labourer working, the payment couldn't less than trinal salary.
  10. The relationship between capitalist and wage labourer is defined as an equal exchange.
  11. We have since formed a partnership and employ a young labourer to do all the preparation work.
  12. And detectives arrested the farm labourer at dawn yesterday at his home in Solihull, West Midlands.
  13. A labourer howls in the nothingness of the blank paper, which is also the empty, impoverished land.
  14. The son of a farm labourer from Marton, James Cook was fortunate to be born into an age of great explorations.
  15. They were the sons of Thomas Jackson, a humble farm labourer who brought up ten children in a thatched cottage.
  16. Born in Brno, Czechoslovakia, in 1929, Kundera worked as a labourer and a jazz musician before turning to writing.
  17. A 31-year-old labourer was yesterday charged with causing the death of Mr Adams by careless driving after drinking excessively.

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