Use of laconic in Sentences. 25 Examples

The examples include laconic at the start of sentence, laconic at the end of sentence and laconic in the middle of sentence

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laconic at the end of sentence

  1. Do you know the word laconic?

laconic in the middle of sentence

  1. She had a laconic wit.
  2. The manner is laconic yet earnest.
  3. The laconic Joey Ramone rarely spoke.
  4. He sent me a laconic private message.
  5. Chester, the mild and laconic prematurely bald guy.
  6. The author's laconic prose manages to be both dexterous and sinister.
  7. Gregory's account of what actually happened is laconic in the extreme.
  8. Perfect site! Anything superfluous, all is laconic and beautiful. Thanks!
  9. Henry's date was very laconic, only saying two sentences the entire evening.
  10. Usually so laconic in the office, Dr. Lahey seemed less guarded, more relaxed.
  11. The popular image of him as a laconic, amiable figure is not entirely accurate.
  12. He seems at first laconic and enervated, loathe to put a sentence together aloud.
  13. "At least we weren't kidnapped." — "I'm glad of that," was the laconic response.
  14. The war experience helped to give the New Frontier generations casual and laconic tone.
  15. Hunt's laconic expertise provided a perfect counterpoint to Walker's high-octane delivery.
  16. Dole has several missions Thursday night, none of which come naturally to the laconic Kansan.
  17. Objective : To seek a more laconic and effective method to describe the blood apparent viscosity.
  18. This design has the advantage of having a laconic structure and economizing the hardware resource.
  19. But there was nothing laconic about his mind, which was known to tick over like a well-oiled clock.
  20. More importantly, it reflects his laconic style, and what was going on under the surface: X died last Sunday.
  21. Both depictions, as laconic and witty as Degas can be, show Cassatt engaged in passive and typically feminine pastimes.
  22. If you can readily interpret all this laconic shorthand you are either a well-tried collector or an extraordinarily apt pupil.
  23. But Subject Classification And Code has laconic system, clear plot, and simplicity of operation. In a word, it is good for the paper classification.
  24. Using matrix to process stereoscopy transformation, the program will be more laconic and the simulation system will be more reliable, and its efficiency is higher.

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