Use of lance in Sentences. 29 Examples
The examples include lance at the start of sentence, lance at the end of sentence and lance in the middle of sentence
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lance at the start of sentence
- Lance Corporal Williams officiously ordered them out.
lance at the end of sentence
- They are armed with a sword and lance.
- Description: Production pneumatic tools, spray paint guns, lance.
lance in the middle of sentence
- I hurled a lance at him.
- Harding a pastel portrait of lance Henly.
- I work free - lance and am paid by the hour.
- Prang your opponent with your lance to turn him into an egg.
- They told the hearing in Hull that lance was pestering them.
- I have been feeding with Gamma Fish, lance Fish and earthworms.
- Then he thrust his lance into the vulnerable spot and killed the warrior.
- lance wondered why no articles were done about how she spent her Christmas.
- The first man to be appointed as Minister, lance Buckmaster, had seemed logical.
- And then along came an old battered AC30, which lance, my guitar tech, gave to me.
- But as lance Ealey, a consultant with McKinsey, points out, this is only the start.
- Carrying a lance and attended by a wolf Mars did, however, have his bloodthirsty moments.
- The lance is represented by a nerve which has every likeness to the shape of that instrument.
- Fittingly, the winning team trophy was handed over to lance Corporal Manning's widow, Elaine.
- Ramsay's lance snapped off, broken, and left his right arm and hand too numb to draw his sword.
- lance Rees was set on as he passed the sorting office in Withernsea, Humberside, on his way to school.
- lance is making long-distance calls from his study - he's looking forward to seeing you in the morning.
- Minerva, like Athene, was usually depicted wearing a helmet and armour and carrying a lance and shield.
- She and assistant manager lance Green had been instructed to improve profits at the expense of Burger King.
- It is owned by property developer Robert lance Hughes who plans to re-erect it on an as yet unconfirmed site.
- Even in my mind I found it extremely unwieldy trying to lance one - let alone 100,000 - from a charging steed.
- The highwayman had assumed it was a lance, but now a curved blade sprang out and glittered blue along its edges.
- James Mellaart reports evidence from Catal Huyuk for the use of the slingshot, bow and arrow, lance, and spear.
- Eleventh-century Norman knight with chain mail coat, kite-shaped shield, sword and long lance which could be used from horseback.
- Former world cycling champion lance Armstrong is returning to the sport after a year-long battle with testicular cancer next year.
- As for Mrs Thatcher's loudly voiced determination to force through a replacement of the lance nuclear missile, nobody is listening.
Sentence Examples for Similar Words:
- bayonet
- , spear
- , puncture
- , prick
- , javelin
- , puncture
- , prick
- , hack
- , bayonet
- , weapon
- , incise
- , spear
- , hack
- , cut
- , pierce