Use of lie in Sentences. 5 Examples

The examples include lie at the start of sentence, lie at the end of sentence and lie in the middle of sentence

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lie at the end of sentence

  1. Let sleeping dog lie.
  2. Let sleeping dogs lie.
  3. Interest will not lie.
  4. A good heart cant's lie.
  5. Children and fools cannot lie.

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پانچ رنگوں والے تاشوں سے کھیلا جانے والا تاش کے پتّوں کا ایک کھیل ۔ قسمت کا حال بتانے والوں کی گڈی کا پتّہ
Any of a set of (usually 72) cards that include 22 cards representing virtues and vices and death and fortune etc.; used by fortunetellers