Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of lively

lively meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
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Use of lively in Sentence [28 examples]

1) lively

Full of spirit.
Lively people of Lahore.
A dynamic full of life woman.
A vital and charismatic leader.
This whole lively world.
زندہ دل

2) lively


Full of life and energy.
A lively discussion.
Lively and attractive parents.
A lively party.
زندگی سے بھرپور

3) lively

Full of zest or vigor.
A racy literary style.

4) lively

Quick and energetic.
A brisk walk in the park.
A lively gait.
A merry chase.
Traveling at a rattling rate.
A snappy pace.
A spanking breeze.

5) lively

Elastic; rebounds readily.
Clean bouncy hair.
A lively tennis ball.
As resilient as seasoned hickory.
Springy turf.

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