Use of luger in Sentences. 21 Examples

The examples include luger at the start of sentence, luger at the end of sentence and luger in the middle of sentence

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luger at the start of sentence

  1. Luger and her colleagues next packaged the modified histones they received from Shokat's group into recombinant nucleosomes and chromatin.

luger at the end of sentence

  1. You have reached the desk of Sergeant Wes luger.
  2. Later on, he asked for more garlic bread, but the waiter wouldn't give him any so he shot him with his luger .

luger in the middle of sentence

  1. The luger slid easily from the holster into his hand.
  2. Before the race starts, the luger sits up on the sled.
  3. Police believe a semi-automatic luger was used by the killer.
  4. DWM luger military model of World War I period, in 9mm Parabellum.
  5. The luger was as much his badge of power as the captain's insignia on his hat.
  6. However the luger was approved by the German Army, and saw service in WWI and WWII.
  7. At the signal, the luger pulls on handles in the track to propel himself out of the gate.
  8. Kathy wept against a hallway window while Dr. luger and Matthew walked into an exam room.
  9. "There's no next round, " Dr. luger said, gently taking the arm of a now hysterical Kathy to steady her.
  10. Fleischmann shouted, chased Dunn with the beam and grabbed with his other hand at the luger in his belt.
  11. The luger was accurate, but complicated, with very close tolerances, and very prone to malfunction when dirty.
  12. Dr. luger explained it could be weeks or months as Michael just nodded, speaking only to ask, "Is my mom okay?
  13. The luger steers through the course by adjusting pressure on the sled runners with the calf and shoulder muscles.
  14. The luger was tested for use by the US Army shortly after 1900, but was beaten in the trials by the incredibly rugged Colt 1911.
  15. Tomorrow morning, Prof. luger will come to Tianjin University to have academic discussions and give couple of lectures on AI (Artificial Intelligence).
  16. With some other domains of knowledge, luger is not only a notable researcher in AI, but also made abundant research in Psychology, Linguistics, Robotics and Mathematics.
  17. David Moeller, the German luger who won a silver medal at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, broke his tooth after reporters asked him to bite his medal (see photo).
  18. With this new set of tools, luger and her colleagues did x-ray crystallographic and biophysical studies to see how methylation affects the structure of chromatin and nucleosomes.

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