Use of macrocosmic in Sentences. 15 Examples

The examples include macrocosmic at the start of sentence, macrocosmic at the end of sentence and macrocosmic in the middle of sentence

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macrocosmic at the start of sentence

  1. Macrocosmic evaluation takes subsystem as evaluation cell and adopts Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation.

macrocosmic in the middle of sentence

  1. The fracture of 45 steel plate was analyzed by means of macrocosmic and microcosmic.
  2. It analyzes the risk of securities investment in microcosmic way and macrocosmic way.
  3. The macrocosmic benefit mechanism includes the tax revenue, the finance help and some necessary price control.
  4. It describes more accurately the real gas than the one about the ideal gas because it reflects the relation among macrocosmic gas.
  5. Rubber-particle interaction in macrocosmic and microcosmic aspects was analyzed and the influence of technical condition was speculated.
  6. Firstly, we define the definition of bank fragility and review the researches on bank fragility from macrocosmic and microcosmic aspects.
  7. The first part defines and classifies the innovators from the macrocosmic point of view, and sets forth the basic characteristics of the innovators.
  8. Cognition of stratum scientific meaning must he done in visual of society change, macrocosmic and microcosmic, and in a broad and narrow sense explain.
  9. The law of sand incipience is the connection of microcosmic mechanism research on wind-blown-sand two phase flow and macrocosmic engineering application.
  10. The passage, finally, in macrocosmic and microcosmic angles, is giving policy proposals of the governance-mechanism in risk capital activities in our country.
  11. The macrocosmic voltage is changed in terms of the demand of system operation, while the waveform of the microcosmic voltage is smooth, continuous and poses no impact.
  12. The Result of research shows that "macrocosmic institution index" influence materially stock market development and west counties can not represent worldwide counties.
  13. Nature has but one system of mechanics for "dividing the undivided" and "conditioning the un- conditioned" and that is the same in microcosmic waves or macrocosmic ones.
  14. Secondly, the paper is focused on the SA system of a sociology paradigm of large dam project from three levers, which are microcosmic lever, middle lever and macrocosmic lever.

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