Use of maladroit in Sentences. 14 Examples

The examples include maladroit at the start of sentence, maladroit at the end of sentence and maladroit in the middle of sentence

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maladroit at the end of sentence

  1. His handling of the negotiations was maladroit.
  2. A bothersome creature, willing, cheerful, purposeful, maladroit.
  3. Some of his first interviews with the press were rather maladroit.
  4. Our new supervisor is clever in matters in which his predecessor was maladroit.

maladroit in the middle of sentence

  1. She can be a little maladroit in social situations.
  2. A maladroit movement of his hand caused the car to swerve.
  3. That waiter is so maladroit that he dropped the ashtray into my soup.
  4. Both parties are unhappy about the maladroit handling of the whole affair.
  5. The chairman was criticized for his maladroit handing of the press conference.
  6. The young man's maladroit remarks about the hostess embarrassed everyone at the party.
  7. Out of which maladroit delay sprang anxieties, disappointments, shocks, catastrophes, and passing-strange destinies.
  8. Blue Joe knows 14-year-old human still one maladroit age certainly, where can be on a diet, can't even obtain furious for of the words of blue Yu for well.
  9. The journey's scarcely begun when he discovers a stowaway: Russell, a chubby, maladroit Wilderness Explorer Scout who's out to earn his Elderly Assistance Badge.
  10. A mix of live action and CG animation, the story starts in the Middle Ages, when the maladroit sorcerer Gargamel (Hank Azaria) finally discovers the location of Smurf Village.

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