Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of miserable

miserable meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
miserable Urdu Meaning miserable Urdu Meaning
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Use of miserable in Sentence [27 examples]

1) miserable

Very unhappy; full of misery.
He felt depressed and miserable.
A message of hope for suffering humanity.
Wretched prisoners huddled in stinking cages.
بد حال
مصیبت زدہ

2) miserable

Deserving or inciting pity.
A hapless victim.
Miserable victims of war.
The shabby room struck her as extraordinarily pathetic.
Piteous appeals for help.
Pitiable homeless children.
A pitiful fate.
Oh, you poor thing.
His poor distorted limbs.
A wretched life.
دل سوز
قابل رحم
قابل افسوس

3) miserable

Of the most contemptible kind.
Abject cowardice.
A low stunt to pull.
A low-down sneak.
His miserable treatment of his family.
You miserable skunk!
A scummy rabble.
A scurvy trick.
قابل نفرت

4) miserable

Of very poor quality or condition.
Deplorable housing conditions in the inner city.
Woeful treatment of the accused.
Woeful errors of judgment.
بد حال
خستہ حال

5) miserable

Characterized by physical misery.
A wet miserable weekend.
Spent a wretched night on the floor.

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