Use of motherly in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include motherly at the start of sentence, motherly at the end of sentence and motherly in the middle of sentence

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motherly at the start of sentence

  1. Motherly love is a huge flame.

motherly in the middle of sentence

  1. She is a motherly teacher.
  2. She was a kind, motherly woman.
  3. She gave her son a motherly hug.
  4. The girl felt motherly and useful.
  5. Mrs Wang is a motherly old teacher.
  6. Let me give you a little motherly advice.
  7. Mrs. Moss was bland and motherly as always.
  8. We have already spoken about motherly love.
  9. She has a motherly affection for her pupils.
  10. She was a plump, motherly woman in her fifties.
  11. She was motherly, with a big mole on her upper lip.
  12. "Don't worry," Laura said in a gentle motherly way.
  13. It was an incredible display of motherly love and forgiveness.
  14. If images do not appear as motherly they can not be Goddesses.
  15. All Molly's motherly instincts erupted when she saw what it was.
  16. Red Carnation: Representative warm, motherly love, I believe you love.
  17. Miss Gilbert was motherly but firm, an excellent teacher for the lower forms.
  18. Onyx notably lacked inclination for housework, not to mention motherly instinct.
  19. Charles found himself muttering to the motherly dresser, who handed him his hat.
  20. Marguerite was not exactly a motherly woman, but she was in some way comfortable.
  21. But motherly warmth turns cold beside the journalistic revulsion the Molinari gambit provokes.
  22. In her motherly concerned way, she was cosseting him as he tried to pick up the pieces of his life.
  23. Impotently, she held both her arms wide in a gesture of motherly love, as though this would comfort him.
  24. Susan allowed the ship to drift down, and relaxed as the bulk settled into the receptive, motherly ground.
  25. A butch lesbian with motherly tendencies, she maintained her dignity and in some lights could look beautiful.
  26. She was a plump mole only a little older than the visitor, but with warm motherly eyes and pleasant grey fur.
  27. Having told her story with some brio, Miss Breeze burst into tears and was comforted by the motherly Miss Maitland.
  28. From an attitude of generosity, warm feeling and motherly goodness, she now had shifted into a mood of high hilarity.

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