Use of mustard in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include mustard at the start of sentence, mustard at the end of sentence and mustard in the middle of sentence

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mustard at the start of sentence

  1. Mustard is grown in the field when weeds are there, rather than when the growing crops are there.

mustard at the end of sentence

  1. After meat, mustard.
  2. Do not use a grainy mustard.
  3. Add some hot English mustard.
  4. It looks so yellow, like mustard.
  5. Spread the bread thinly with mustard.
  6. Add a dessertspoonful of dry mustard.
  7. Give me a hot dog, but hold the mustard.
  8. Imagine what Colbert would do today to Dijon mustard.
  9. Other magazines have tried to copy ZAPP, but have never quite cut the mustard.
  10. Other magazines have tried to copy the formula but have never quite cut the mustard.

mustard in the middle of sentence

  1. Pepper and mustard are hot.
  2. With ketchup and mustard, please.
  3. I like mustard with a bit of bite.
  4. The mustard is sold in powder form.
  5. He slapped mustard on the sandwich.
  6. I don't like mustard; it's too hot.
  7. I don't like mustard; it is too hot.
  8. Baby mustard greens have a spicy bite.
  9. Mix together the mustard and olive oil.
  10. I didn't cut the mustard as a hockey player.
  11. Add mustard to give the dressing a sharper taste.
  12. A spoonful of mustard will give the dish some zip.
  13. A little mustard is served on the side to add further piquancy.
  14. Toppings include ketchup, mustard, pickles, relish and jalape-os.
  15. A shower of mustard seeds sprayed into the air and fell into the grass.
  16. He dropped his sausage on the pavement and someone's dog ate it, mustard and all.
  17. Green manure crops such as alfalfa and mustard are widely used in organic gardening.
  18. The chemical agent, whether it be mustard gas or nerve gas, can be absorbed by the skin.

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