Use of nab in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include nab at the start of sentence, nab at the end of sentence and nab in the middle of sentence

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nab at the start of sentence

  1. Nab doesn't promise to remove existing threats at all.
  2. Nab caught some of the threats almost immediately after launch.

nab at the end of sentence

  1. Little hand is fishhook, gently ~ hooks nab!
  2. From here head due north to monument on top of Eston nab.
  3. She mustn't push him too hard, for he certainly hadn't been so easy to nab!

nab in the middle of sentence

  1. See if you can nab a seat.
  2. The police failed to nab the thief.
  3. A video helped police nab the suspect.
  4. Xing was there too. He ordered his men : " nab him.
  5. In its default configuration, nab is a real chatterbox.
  6. " nab, anybody can lose a tail when they really want to.
  7. American Corey Cogdell hit the target to nab third place.
  8. Of course, the main objective here - how to nab more points.
  9. Wonderful, senator, and how do you propose to nab those pilots?
  10. Police officers often use fingerprints successfully to nab criminals.
  11. A pulsed micro laser with a new working crystal nab has been developed.
  12. I installed nab on a clean test system and started throwing malicious software at it.
  13. The squad cruise d to victory over Australia to nab its fourth consecutive Olympic gold.
  14. A video helped police nab the suspect. Authorities are still looking for another suspect.
  15. Treasury Secretary Geithner concluded that the size of the nab is woefully inadequate to deal.
  16. This paper presents 1.34 μ m plused laser characteristics of nab crystals grown in our institute.
  17. A whole company of armed troops can't nab a couple of weaponless dog-faces! What fool would believe that?
  18. Their craggy nab, poised above the Tees estuary, was as proud a landmark as neighbouring Roseberry Topping.
  19. The nab is an excellent viewpoint, better in fact than the actual summit of Wild Boar Fell although of lower elevation.
  20. That means attempts to nab the downright nasty might just nail a few well-heeled, flannel-shirted shoppers in the process.
  21. New American Bible (nab) - a Catholic translation, the work of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, and first published in 1970.
  22. If the account representative cannot find a customer name in the Core application, still another bookmark is used to open the contacts application, known as the nab Plus.
  23. "It just seems nab is hell-bent on trying to bulk up without thinking if it is accretive to shareholders," said Don Williams, Chief Investment Officer at Platypus Asset Management.

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