Use of needed in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include needed at the start of sentence, needed at the end of sentence and needed in the middle of sentence

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needed at the end of sentence

  1. Take whatever action is needed.
  2. Only a minute amount is needed.
  3. Further analysis of the data is needed.

needed in the middle of sentence

  1. She needed to keep busy.
  2. They badly needed a change.
  3. He needed somewhere to stay.
  4. All it needed was a good tug.
  5. The table needed two coats of varnish.
  6. The cut in my hand needed five stitches.
  7. I got everything I needed in the market.
  8. She needed greater fulfilment in her job.
  9. The boat's interior badly needed painting.
  10. She needed intensive care for three weeks.
  11. Rolls-Royce needed a strong balance sheet.
  12. Maurice asked me whether I needed any help.
  13. She needed intensive care for several days.
  14. What is needed is a frank exchange of views.
  15. They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.
  16. My bicycle had a puncture and needed patching up.
  17. She believed her daughter needed a father-figure.
  18. Many suggestions are needed to integrate the plan.
  19. Female seals are needed for the breeding programme.
  20. He needed surgery to cure a troublesome back injury.
  21. He needed a sounding board rather than thinking alone.
  22. More studies are needed before anything can be proven.
  23. Drastic measures are needed to clean up the profession.
  24. Far more resources are needed to improve adult literacy.
  25. Large quantities of water are needed for cooling purpose.
  26. The building plans include much needed new office accommodation.

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