Use of nightstick in Sentences. 9 Examples

The examples include nightstick at the start of sentence, nightstick at the end of sentence and nightstick in the middle of sentence

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nightstick at the end of sentence

  1. I imagine he carried nothing but a nightstick.
  2. He was abreast of the limousine. He tapped its fender with his nightstick.

nightstick in the middle of sentence

  1. It looked like a nightstick now.
  2. The police block us with their nightsticks.
  3. Police responded with nightsticks and pepper spray, further inflaming the crowd.
  4. The city - it is the city that will have to heal them, with knifeblade and automobile, nightstick, gunshot.
  5. One of the youths grinned and juggled a butterfly knife, another slapped a stout nightstick in the palm of his hand.
  6. The string of blackshirts was re-deployed, four spotlights had them caught in a box of gauzy light, their nightsticks fisted.
  7. The cop pulled the guy out of the car and hit him with a nightstick for about a minute and then said, "Would you like for me to stop or just slow down?"

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parodied -
مزاحیہ بہروپ,مزاحیہ نقل,کسی کی مزحیہ نقل اتارنا
A composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way.