Use of nonbeliever in Sentences. 6 Examples

The examples include nonbeliever at the start of sentence, nonbeliever at the end of sentence and nonbeliever in the middle of sentence

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nonbeliever in the middle of sentence

  1. Some jittering movement among the men, non-believers finding faith in fear.
  2. We suggest that baptism for non-believers enables a family reunion to take place.
  3. Huang, a nonbeliever, was a visiting scientist at the University of Minnesota in 1994.
  4. Are the changes enough to transform more non-believers into Corvette buyers and pump sales back up, as Chevrolet hopes?
  5. That's why Kitty, a nonbeliever who didn't want her last name used to protect her kids' privacy, brings them to Bishop's class each week.
  6. For believer and nonbeliever alike affliction 'causes God to be absent for a time more absent than a dead man more absent than light in the utter darkness of a cell'.

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