Use of occupied in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include occupied at the start of sentence, occupied at the end of sentence and occupied in the middle of sentence

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occupied at the end of sentence

  1. All the seats are occupied.
  2. This table is already occupied.
  3. We need something to keep the children occupied.
  4. The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied.
  5. She observed that all the chairs were already occupied.

occupied in the middle of sentence

  1. All the flats are occupied now.
  2. Many problems occupied his mind.
  3. Troops quickly occupied the city.
  4. Enemy troops occupied the country.
  5. My work occupied the whole morning.
  6. A bed occupied the corner of the room.
  7. His time was occupied with the children.
  8. He occupied himself in collecting stamps.
  9. Protesting students occupied the TV station.
  10. Family photos occupied almost the entire wall.
  11. I kept myself occupied by watching television.
  12. They occupied the city without striking a blow.
  13. Her mind is completely occupied by the new baby.
  14. The sofa was entirely occupied by two large cats.
  15. The UN is sending aid to the occupied territories.
  16. He occupied his whole afternoon reading documents.
  17. The bathroom's occupied - I think John's in there.
  18. Bookshelves occupied most of the living room walls.
  19. The statesman is much occupied with affairs of state.
  20. Housing occupied a prominent place in the discussions.
  21. They were denied passage through the occupied territory.
  22. Their album has occupied the Number One slot for the past six weeks.
  23. The coastal areas were occupied by the descendants of Greek colonists.
  24. The soldiers commandeered vehicles in the capital and occupied the television station.

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