Use of oxidize in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include oxidize at the start of sentence, oxidize at the end of sentence and oxidize in the middle of sentence

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oxidize at the start of sentence

  1. Oxidize copper to copper oxide.

oxidize in the middle of sentence

  1. Iron is easily oxidized.
  2. Iron oxidizes to form rust.
  3. Aluminium is rapidly oxidized in air.
  4. At the surface, the iron was oxidized.
  5. The dye is to oxidize before the next dip.
  6. Through the years, paint oxidizes as it's exposed to air.
  7. The original white lead pigments have oxidized and turned black.
  8. When an element is caused to combine with oxygen it is oxidized.
  9. In this design, the oxidize ditch handling of carrousel model is used.
  10. We maintain heading and soon Bramley makes out red, oxidized sediments.
  11. The article introduces the performance and application of oxidize starch.
  12. The liver oxidizes a small part of the recycled urobilinogen to bilirubin.
  13. Chardonnay berries are relatively small, thin - skinned, fragile , and oxidize easily.
  14. At the town center were two low church spires of oxidized copper surmounted by twin crosses.
  15. The carbon14 atoms oxidize to carbon dioxide which gets blown about and mixed up with lower atmosphere.
  16. Increase the cell the activity and have the cell repair maintenance and anti - to oxidize the function.
  17. The roots, which remain in place, constitute about 20 percent of the biomass, and will oxidize eventually.
  18. Acetobacter and Gluconobacter can be allowed to oxidize the ethanol to acetic acid and form a wine vinegar.
  19. He knew her students would love to see them, heavy, deadly and crusted over with the white of oxidized lead.
  20. Various elements, such as iron, titanium, manganese and sulphur can be oxidized to form oxides or hydroxides.
  21. The nitrogenous materials which have been oxidized aerobically to nitrate are then reduced anaerobically to nitrogen.
  22. Ethanol extracts of schisandra, wild ageratum pollen had the stronger inhibitory activity of tyrosinase to oxidize diphenol.
  23. In continuous processes, a filter medium containing manganese dioxide oxidizes the iron and removes it as the ferric hydroxide.
  24. Oxygen debt is resulted because extra oxygen is needed to oxidize the lactic acid formed. Lactic acid may be converted back to glucose in the presence of oxygen.
  25. After each time roll changing, must inspect the lubricant whether to harden the nigrescence , whether by impurity pollution, whether to oxidize the emulsification.
  26. The low concentration of chlorine dioxide in water can be determined by spectrophotometry based on the chlorine dioxide can decolor and oxidize xylenol orange and chlorophenol red.
  27. Results: the higher density of the anti-bacteria powder of P-Type nanometer silicon oxidize added with silver, the longer of the functioning time, the better of the anti Fungus result.

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