Use of phaeton in Sentences. 7 Examples

The examples include phaeton at the start of sentence, phaeton at the end of sentence and phaeton in the middle of sentence

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phaeton at the end of sentence

  1. Other interests: Owns - six cars, including a 1932 Cadillac phaeton.
  2. I ran across the road and jumped up, clinging to the side of the phaeton.
  3. She is perfectly amiable, and often drive by my humble abode in her little phaeton.
  4. He said nothing, simply rolling his eyes and dragging Frankenstein's crates from the phaeton.

phaeton in the middle of sentence

  1. It was a 1937 Cord phaeton convertible.
  2. Other interests: Owns six cars, including a 1932 Cadillac phaeton . Shoots quail. Golfs.
  3. Suzhou phaeton Business Trade Company Limiteds predecessor was Suzhou Han Wang Gift company Limited.

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