Use of pond in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include pond at the start of sentence, pond at the end of sentence and pond in the middle of sentence

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pond at the end of sentence

  1. Most farms have a pond.
  2. The frog plopped into the pond.
  3. Swimming is banned in this pond.
  4. There was green scum over the pond.
  5. Several large fish live in the pond.
  6. Cattle had trodden a path to the pond.
  7. There are a lot of frogs in this pond.
  8. The wind made little waves on the pond.
  9. The farmer kept many geese on his pond.
  10. Her sunglasses had fallen into the pond.
  11. A breeze rippled the surface of the pond.
  12. They built a retaining wall around the pond.
  13. The stately swan glides gracefully on the pond.
  14. Wild flowers and grasses rimmed the little pond.
  15. The ball rebounded from/off the wall into the pond.
  16. The ball rolled onto the frozen surface of the pond.
  17. Bud turned the truck around, and started back for Dalton pond.

pond in the middle of sentence

  1. The pond is full of weed.
  2. a pond encircled by trees.
  3. The pond is drained every year.
  4. The pond is encircled by trees.
  5. There is a small pond in his yard.
  6. The pond is in the middle of a wood.
  7. The pond was covered in ice all winter.
  8. The pond iced over during the cold spell.
  9. The pond has a diameter of 2 hundred meters.
  10. The pond was covered in a brittle layer of ice.
  11. His pond has been choked by the fast-growing weed.
  12. She chose a bench beside the duck pond and sat down.

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