Use of precariously in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include precariously at the start of sentence, precariously at the end of sentence and precariously in the middle of sentence

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precariously at the end of sentence

  1. It is a compromise solution which leaves the best-execution pillar swaying precariously.

precariously in the middle of sentence

  1. She leaned precariously out of the window.
  2. The economy is precariously close to recession.
  3. She balanced precariously with one foot on each.
  4. The hotel perched precariously on a steep hillside.
  5. He balanced precariously on the narrow window - ledge.
  6. The hotel was perched precariously on a steep hillside.
  7. The phone was perched precariously on the window ledge.
  8. Furthermore, he was precariously balanced and might fall.
  9. He balanced the glass precariously on the arm of his chair.
  10. Car horns toot as cyclists dart precariously through the traffic.
  11. The country swayed precariously between Christianity and paganism.
  12. They lived precariously on the income from a few small investments.
  13. The television was precariously balanced on top of a pile of books.
  14. Ice Cube is precariously balanced between entertainment and polemic.
  15. This leaves him precariously balancing his highbrow and lowbrow selves.
  16. One of my grocery bags was still precariously perched on the car bumper.
  17. The hunter-gatherer lifestyle today survives precariously in remote regions.
  18. Her suitcase was precariously balanced on the tiny luggage rack above her head.
  19. Straight at me where I kneel unbalanced, precariously lodged between joist and board.
  20. Grasping a handful of bulrushes to steady herself, she leaned precariously out to grab it.
  21. In places the towpath was slippy with mud and Henry pedalled precariously, dodging the puddles.
  22. Perched precariously on top of the load was the loader, holding aloft the corn-dolly for all to see.
  23. He lived rather precariously from one day to the next, never knowing where his next meal was coming from.
  24. People paddle kayaks and outriggers along the shore, and catamarans whizz by, leaning precariously on one hull.
  25. Fenella, clutching the narrow ledge, standing precariously on the piled sacks, thought, in horror: Miach's spell.
  26. Then they had done a short walk along the Lagan, the mood teetering precariously between rapprochement and a set-to.
  27. The first carries the dual carriageway A4041 with a street light balanced precariously above the centre of the canal.
  28. Meditation for a leap into the unknown At great turning points, life quivers precariously on the tightrope of obedience.

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