Use of predictor in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include predictor at the start of sentence, predictor at the end of sentence and predictor in the middle of sentence

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predictor at the end of sentence

  1. The aggregation can not be used sensibly as a predictor.
  2. One school of thought affirms that use of the existing collection is the best predictor.

predictor in the middle of sentence

  1. High blood pressure is a strong predictor of heart attacks.
  2. The past figure is useful as a predictor of the future ones.
  3. The best predictor of future performance is past performance.
  4. Comorbidity emerged as the best predictor of 2-year survival.
  5. Opinion polls are an unreliable predictor of election outcomes.
  6. H pylori infection was a strong predictor of ulcer recurrences.
  7. Cholesterol level is not a strong predictor of heart disease in women.
  8. First day packed cell volume also emerged as a predictor of transfusion requirements.
  9. Thinness at birth is a particularly strong predictor of death before 65 years of age.
  10. None the less, class remained the most important predictor of how an elector might vote.
  11. Hiatal hernia was the only statistically significant predictor of oesophageal mucosal status.
  12. This assumption implies that the forward rate is an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate.
  13. Cole and Meyer 35 found that early productivity is a good rough predictor of later productivity.
  14. As Oliver James pointed out, the most significant predictor of being violent is simply being a man.
  15. Bookto-bill has recently become an imperfect predictor of semiconductor industry sales and shipments.
  16. This action has been shown to be a good predictor of therapeutic effectiveness in trigeminal neuralgia.
  17. Personality has not been shown by industrial psychologists to be a very helpful predictor of performance.
  18. Research overwhelmingly supports the proposition that age is a poor predictor of performance and ability.
  19. Indeed most studies of employment show the low validity and reliability of age as a predictor of performance.
  20. It remained a significant predictor when adjusted for clinical, demographic, Holter data and ejection fraction.
  21. Nicola Woods found that in a business setting, gender was a better predictor than status of who would interrupt whom.
  22. Weather predictor systems based on neural networks also key off a large volume of past data to forecast future conditions.
  23. Other systems, such as the weather predictor mentioned above, can continuously integrate new data as they become available.
  24. Demographic studies have shown clearly that low social class or disadvantaged status is a potent predictor of school failure.
  25. More recently, intelligence as a predictor has been replaced by the variety of cognitive processes available to an individual.
  26. This indicated that first year examination results were a far superior predictor of wastage than the A-level scores of entrants.
  27. There seems to have been no evolutionary selection for specific avoidance behaviour -- cowering giraffes are not a sensitive predictor of thunderstorms.

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