Use of president in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include president at the start of sentence, president at the end of sentence and president in the middle of sentence

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president at the end of sentence

  1. She keeps buttering up to the president.
  2. They had remained loyal to the president.
  3. Digby looked certain to be the next president.
  4. Who will get the Republican nomination for president?
  5. The two spies were pardoned yesterday by the president.
  6. Hundreds of people gathered to mourn the slain president.

president in the middle of sentence

  1. The president has overruled the bill.
  2. The embattled president had to resign.
  3. The president was not directly involved.
  4. She's president and secretary all in one.
  5. The president was disguised as a peasant.
  6. The president is hawkish on foreign policy.
  7. The president fastened on the idea at once.
  8. The president was not present at the meeting.
  9. He will be inaugurated as president in January.
  10. The president laughed off the awkward situation.
  11. The president is under intense pressure to resign.
  12. Do you think the president will seek re-election ?
  13. He is president of his own self-proclaimed republic.
  14. The new president will be inaugurated on January 20.
  15. People's attitude towards the president varies widely.
  16. He's the president of a large international organization.
  17. The president agreed to speak to the waiting journalists.
  18. The president has dictated some letters to his secretary.
  19. The proposal proposed by the president was sailed through.
  20. Traditionally, the president designates his or her successor.
  21. The president arrived at California in a helicopter yesterday.
  22. The president broadcast his message on all stations yesterday.
  23. The president had entered into fraudulent property transactions.

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