Use of progressively in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include progressively at the start of sentence, progressively at the end of sentence and progressively in the middle of sentence

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progressively in the middle of sentence

  1. The pain got progressively worse.
  2. Forces will be progressively withdrawn.
  3. The problem became progressively worse.
  4. The situation became progressively worse.
  5. Her symptoms became progressively worse.
  6. His eyesight is becoming progressively worse.
  7. From then on, the gap progressively widened.
  8. The time of peak becomes progressively earlier.
  9. His city was progressively invaded by lesser lights.
  10. My eyesight has got progressively worse over the years.
  11. The situation was becoming progressively more difficult.
  12. progressively increase the pressure to compact the surface.
  13. Her health has been declining progressively for several months.
  14. Renewable energy will become progressively more important as time goes on.
  15. Cardiovascular death rates fell progressively with increasing birth weight.
  16. Consequently, the swallows fly progressively higher to feed on the insects.
  17. The Food Safety Act will progressively impact on the way food businesses operate.
  18. Central authority has been progressively weakened since the outbreak of the civil war.
  19. The amount of grant the council received from the Government was progressively reduced.
  20. People will find it progressively difficult to meet their basic need for cooking energy.
  21. Two wing commanders in a row had been fired, and things were getting progressively worse.
  22. The satiety index decreased progressively from boiled potatoes to french fries to potato chips.
  23. Legislation progressively reduced the number of situations in which industrial action could be taken.
  24. For individuals with phobic anxiety, these tasks include graded exposure to progressively more difficult avoided situations.
  25. Renal function also progressively deteriorates during high dose therapy, leading to both oliguria and electrolytes disturbances.
  26. Our particular strength is that we have progressively focused into areas of specialisation including pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals.
  27. The visiting locomotives will progressively arrive during the Steam Festival and after a test run will be used on weekend passenger services.
  28. Objectivity of the scientific and economic ilk has progressively driven out the Utopianism which had previously permeated science and technology.
  29. Meeting these attainable short-term goals and progressively crossing them off the list can provide an important sense of achievement and reinforcement.

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