Use of pushover in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include pushover at the start of sentence, pushover at the end of sentence and pushover in the middle of sentence

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pushover at the end of sentence

  1. The exam was a pushover.
  2. But Darcy's no pushover.
  3. On not being a pushover.
  4. The game will be a pushover.
  5. Winning the playoffs was no pushover.
  6. The interview was an absolute pushover.
  7. Love Story I thought you'd be a pushover.
  8. I don't think she'll agree-she's no pushover.
  9. I couldn't have her thinking I was a pushover.
  10. One thing is for sure, the lady was no pushover.
  11. Angela Brickell had been small and light; a pushover.
  12. She's a kind and gentle person, but she's no pushover.
  13. Mr. Corry quickly showed the students that he was no pushover.
  14. The kids all think their new English teacher's a real pushover.
  15. At 1, 069 feet, it qualifies as my kind of mountain, but it is no pushover.
  16. Louisiana Tech, a last minute replacement on the schedule, turned out to be no pushover.
  17. A Western analyst in Cairo calls him " a man of vision and integrity, not anybody's pushover. "
  18. It was a pity one could not invade without giving advance warnings and following the rules: it would be a pushover.

pushover in the middle of sentence

  1. Tony's a pushover for blondes.
  2. That guy is a pushover for flattery.
  3. Fixing a car is a pushover for for her.
  4. My boyfriend is a pushover for sweet talk.
  5. At 6,536 yards, this is no pushover even for experts.
  6. You might think Hungarian a pushover to learn. It is not.
  7. The examination was a pushover ; I'm sure of all the answers.
  8. They aren't the best team in the league, but they're no pushover , either.
  9. Colonel Moore was no pushover. He wouldn't let anyone tell him what to do.
  10. He is a tough negotiator. We did not expect to find him a pushover and he has not been one.
  11. The unions, including her own Transport and General Workers' Union, are no longer looking like a pushover for her.

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