Use of pyramid in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include pyramid at the start of sentence, pyramid at the end of sentence and pyramid in the middle of sentence

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pyramid at the start of sentence

  1. Pyramid said its cash flow remained positive in the fourth quarter.
  2. Pyramid will offer its high-end Unix-based servers, which will be leased via Comdisco.

pyramid at the end of sentence

  1. Hundreds of men toiled for years at building the pyramid.
  2. It was a very moralistic, religious-based, money-making pyramid.
  3. Traditionally, the Brahmins, or the priestly class, are set at the top of the social pyramid.
  4. He taught her a position for sleeping that placed the forepart of her brain at the apex of a pyramid.
  5. By 1901, the population had grown considerably but increased use of birth control was narrowing the lower part of the pyramid.

pyramid in the middle of sentence

  1. A cube and a pyramid are both solids.
  2. At the bottom of the pyramid are the poor.
  3. Sections 118-123 deal with pyramid selling.
  4. The Great pyramid dates from around 2600 BC.
  5. The pyramid recommends six to 11 servings daily.
  6. The pyramid is 50 metres high and 100 metres round .
  7. Quickly they built it into a pyramid over the torch.
  8. The acrobats formed a pyramid by standing on each other's shoulders.
  9. On a plate in front of him was piled a pyramid of flat white biscuits.
  10. A twenty-foot steel pyramid is to be hoisted into position on top of the tower.
  11. If the scheme appears to be a pyramid selling scam, have nothing to do with it.
  12. Elite theory can be visually represented by a power pyramid, as shown in Figure 10. 1.
  13. And when pyramid schemes began to appear in the last few years, nearly everyone caught the bug.
  14. Mr Pei's pyramid in the Louvre is fine architecture, but it is nothing other than a new front door.
  15. It is simple, decorated only with flat, low pilasters in brick, and has a belfry and pyramid above.
  16. Six people registered in business offices at the Transamerica pyramid, which has no residential units.
  17. It sits on top of a pyramid of related images of deviant women as especially evil, depraved and monstrous.
  18. Dennis cut his veal assiduously into tiny squares and piled them into a pyramid that he then inhaled in a single gulp.
  19. They have all had much the same aim of moving away from the sharp-pointed pyramid with its traditional hierarchical approach.
  20. Squatting in front of the fire door, Jess battled with a little pyramid of dried hay and sticks she had built under the copper.
  21. A pyramid scheme creates the illusion of financial success by paying off early investors with funds provided by later investors.
  22. A pyramid venture was started recently at one licensed dealer, every participant contributing £100, and bringing in more people.

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