Use of raceme in Sentences. 17 Examples

The examples include raceme at the start of sentence, raceme at the end of sentence and raceme in the middle of sentence

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raceme at the start of sentence

  1. Raceme, or subumbel in axils , with several flowers basally.
  2. Raceme separation is the main rout for preparation of pure enantiomers.
  3. Raceme resolution is the main route for preparation of chiral compounds.
  4. Raceme short, red rose flower, sometimes with purple and white stripes and aromatic.
  5. Raceme rachis white- ciliate along margins; upper glume sharply keeled throughout, keel narrowly winged.
  6. Raceme rachis and pedicels pubescent or puberulent ; bract and bracteole usually borne on distal 1/2 of pedicel.

raceme at the end of sentence

  1. Pedicel and calyx hispid; flowers solitary or 2 or 3 together in short raceme.
  2. Eurasian plant(Raphanus sativus) having a fleshy, edible root and white to purple flowers clustered in a terminal raceme.
  3. And the K application was tend to significantly related with the number of seed per pod, 1000-seed weight, the length of raceme.
  4. Chiral aminoalcohol is an important kind of chiral substance in the asymmetric synthesis, meanwhile, it is widely used in the field of medicine synthesis and the resolution of raceme.

raceme in the middle of sentence

  1. This article reviews some kinds of resolution methods of raceme based on membrane processes.
  2. The kinetic resolution of raceme is one of the important ways in the synthesis of chiral compounds.
  3. Orderly flower or not orderly flower, bisexual or unisexual, platoon rank in all sorts of inflorescence , it is raceme or spike normally.
  4. But owing to the limit of the carbonaceous framework and difficulty of the raceme, so the derivatives of annulene show opticity activity.
  5. Mostly conclusion as follows:1. There is intra-inflorescence variation in raceme of L. virgaurea individual, and it's not limited by different population.
  6. The raceme, the (R)-isomer and the (S)-isomer are identical in chemical structural formula but different in stereostructure and optical rotation performance.
  7. This article reviews resolution methods of raceme which includes six categories, such as mechanical , chemical, biochemical, chromato-graphic, extractive and membranous methods.

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