Use of reallocate in Sentences. 24 Examples

The examples include reallocate at the start of sentence, reallocate at the end of sentence and reallocate in the middle of sentence

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reallocate in the middle of sentence

  1. P: Can you reallocate a window seat in the forward section for me?
  2. Thus, there is no need to reallocate the container for each new element.
  3. So if there is a sell-off, we can reallocate that cash into the relevant sectors.
  4. You can also use Attribute Refunds to reallocate your attribute points at any time.
  5. Not enough memory to reallocate headers. Close other applications and documents and try again.
  6. These can respond to market signals to reallocate exposures automatically as volatility rises.
  7. Other areas are to lose aid so that money can be reallocated to towns devastated by pit closures.
  8. Where there is a personality clash, the learner should be re-allocated to another clinical teacher.
  9. The second priority is to manage the demand for water and re-allocate it to the most profitable uses.
  10. Through government spending on goods, society tends to reallocate resources from private to public goods consumption.
  11. Using their research, Women's Health identified five simple ways to reallocate your budget so that you feel more bliss.
  12. Small firms provide a useful channel for re-allocating labour from large firms without increasing official unemployment rates.
  13. These debates were also useful in reallocating resources in order to set up and build an infrastructure in some specific areas.
  14. The new G-8 debt relief proposal provides an opportunity for several countries to reallocate significant resources to HIV/AIDS.
  15. Bankruptcy is the most effective way to reallocate assets from managers who no longer can use them profitably to new owners who can.
  16. With smaller tasks, the team was better able to plan release content, as well as reallocate resources in the event that tasks slipped.
  17. Therefore, improvements in health can be achieved only if existing resources are re-allocated into policies more productive of health.
  18. Tax, the biggest part of the public economy, is the major means the government applies to raise government income and reallocate resources.
  19. For one thing, they would reallocate profit ratio and require media to reduce discounts, and then ask advertisers for higher service charges.
  20. If there is not enough time for testing, the first thing to do is reallocate the effort used in requirements documentation to writing customer tests.
  21. I just believe that hoteliers need to factor in all of their costs and, where possible, reallocate those funds to channels that drive more revenue to their hotels.
  22. U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood acted quickly to reallocate those funds — dividing up more than $1 billion among California, Florida and 12 other states.
  23. When it comes to addressing urgent items, break them down into Action Steps and challenge yourself to reallocate your energy as soon as the Action Steps are completed.
  24. If you have to increase CPU capacity, you can either do a physical upgrade, such as adding more CPUs, or reallocate more resources if you are in a virtual environment.

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