Use of reed in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include reed at the start of sentence, reed at the end of sentence and reed in the middle of sentence

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reed at the start of sentence

  1. Reed, 33, is no slouch in the kitchen herself.
  2. Reed worked so well that they doubled his wages.
  3. Reed is an outspoken opponent of the death penalty.
  4. Reed and sedge warblers were the dominant songsters.
  5. Reed wrote a novel about de Sade titled 'When the Whip Comes Down'.
  6. Reed delayed filming his scenes in the hope that Brando might change his mind, but finally he gave up and quit.

reed at the end of sentence

  1. Some say love it is a river that drowns the tender reed.
  2. Did I deserve to die, and be buried in the churchyard like my uncle reed?

reed in the middle of sentence

  1. Mr reed was acquainted with Pedro Bissonnette.
  2. Five reed buntings preened at the pool's edge.
  3. Growth of the reed can choke out native water plants.
  4. Flowers yesterday marked the spot where Mr reed died.
  5. Or of women horn players, reed wizards or guitarists.
  6. They inhabit reed huts built on stilts above the water.
  7. Ariel steps through the reed curtain and into the night.
  8. Present-day medicine men use wicker baskets and reed arrows.
  9. Referee Michael reed had no hesitation in awarding a penalty.
  10. The birds build their nests in reed beds along the river bank.
  11. The reed County Clinic dispenses medication and makes referrals.
  12. They, too, have learnt what a great reed warbler egg looks like.
  13. The real difference between him and reed, however, is from the neck up.
  14. A tiny reed warbler, faced with a cuckoo, feeds a chick much larger than herself.
  15. In 1978 he launched his first major ready-to-wear collection for the Austin reed stores.
  16. I hunted buffalo in the swamps at Bilen; it was exciting following them through the dense reed beds.
  17. Many accessories were standard, but the wooden Hartzell propeller could be replaced by a Curtiss reed metal one.
  18. Clarke won plenty of line-out ball, but Andy reed and Paul Burnell in the front five did not contribute as expected.
  19. A pair of black-headed, white collared reed buntings preened on bracken fronds, their white-edged tails constantly flickering.
  20. Newly released hostage Frank reed declares from his hospital balcony that he is looking forward to a three-pound Maine lobster.
  21. And a fund wishing to commit money to the international media industry has in reed/Elsevier an obvious candidate for such an investment.

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