Use of referral in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include referral at the start of sentence, referral at the end of sentence and referral in the middle of sentence

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referral at the end of sentence

  1. Ask your physician for a referral.
  2. Some doctors are unwilling to take new patients without a referral.
  3. Only 39 percent of patients were seen within four weeks of referral.
  4. The report suggests that doctors should reduce their rate of referral .
  5. But this won't remove or even significantly reduce the demand for tertiary referral.
  6. Increased integration of the patient and carers is encouraged, combatting the isolation which has frequently preceded referral.
  7. Armstrong etal described dermatology as one of the hospital specialties in which there is a lot of pressure from patients for referral.

referral in the middle of sentence

  1. Setting - Diabetic clinic in a tertiary referral centre.
  2. Legal Aid can often provide referral to other types of agencies.
  3. The doctor will give you a referral to a specialist in your area.
  4. This referral to morality, Dworkin argues, is endemic to all law.
  5. No one argues that the referral is wholly unjustifiable on clinical grounds.
  6. Patient 4 who had been operated on before referral received additional radiation therapy.
  7. There were several reasons for anticipating a change in referral patterns after April 1991.
  8. One of the prime benefits of such a service is a referral to existing sources of information.
  9. It has a National Health Service with 2 referral hospitals, and extensive primary health coverage.
  10. The variation in referral rates among general practice was much less than that reported in hospitals.
  11. These data were used to calculate annual referral rates using the practice populations as the denominator.
  12. The evaluation I am looking at was prepared by a licensed psychologist, based on a referral from his school.
  13. A referral may be made, for example, where the s8 order is not working well or fulfilling its original purpose.
  14. Patient M17 was the only individual who was colonised by the epidemic strain at the time of first referral to the unit.
  15. Conclusion - Perinatal mortality rates should be adjusted for case mix and referral patterns to get a meaningful result.
  16. People wishing to enroll in the study should request a referral from their doctors or call the nearest participating hospital.
  17. Table 4.1 shows where the dementia sufferers were living six months and 12 months after referral to the psychogeriatric service.
  18. Medical groups often woo primary care doctors while sharply limiting the number o f specialists allowed on their referral lists.
  19. The committee monitored referral practice during the study but there was no reinforcement of the guidelines to assure compliance.
  20. This may indicate early referral by our rheumatology department in keeping with the high percentage of these patients in our study.
  21. The team member on duty who had completed the initial referral form was also responsible for completing the pre-coded questionnaire.
  22. Research too has overlooked outpatient waiting, concentrating instead on waits for inpatient procedures or general practitioner referral patterns.

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