Use of reluctant in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include reluctant at the start of sentence, reluctant at the end of sentence and reluctant in the middle of sentence

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reluctant at the start of sentence

  1. Reluctant to lose residual temperature, forgetting the scar is still in pain.

reluctant in the middle of sentence

  1. She gave a reluctant smile.
  2. She was reluctant to go with him.
  3. He gave me a reluctant assistance.
  4. He finally gave a reluctant smile.
  5. The police are reluctant to step in.
  6. Mr Spero was reluctant to ask for help.
  7. She was reluctant to admit she was wrong.
  8. She was reluctant to voice her suspicions.
  9. She was very reluctant to admit the truth.
  10. She was reluctant to confess her ignorance.
  11. The child was reluctant to leave her mother.
  12. Students may feel reluctant to ask questions.
  13. They were reluctant to leave hearth and home.
  14. My son is reluctant to go to the kindergarten.
  15. We were reluctant to start the long trudge home.
  16. I was reluctant to embroil myself in his problems.
  17. Criminals are very reluctant to leave a paper trail.
  18. Cath was most reluctant to surrender her independence.
  19. He said no and seemed oddly reluctant to talk about it.
  20. The courts are reluctant to interfere in these matters.
  21. I am reluctant to trust anyone totally, Your Excellency.
  22. She was curiously reluctant to talk about the experience.
  23. Shops are often reluctant to take back unsatisfactory goods.
  24. Many parents feel reluctant to talk openly with their children.
  25. Don't worry if your baby seems a little reluctant to crawl or walk.
  26. Scientific institutions have been reluctant to take corrective action.
  27. Children are sometimes understandably reluctant to wear glasses that are ugly or uncomfortable.

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afloat -
بھٹکتا,بے راہ,بے سمت,بے سمت حرکت کرتا,بے مقصد,بے منصوبہ,بے کار
Aimlessly drifting.