Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of retire

retire meaning in Urdu

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
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Use of retire in Sentence [29 examples]

1) retire


Go into retirement; stop performing one's work or withdraw from one's position.
He retired at age 68.
واپس ہو جانا
کام سے فارغ ہونا

2) retire


Withdraw from active participation.
He retired from chess.

3) retire


Pull back or move away or backward.
The enemy withdrew.
The limo pulled away from the curb.
پیچھے کو ہٹنا
واپس آنا
واپس مڑ جانا
کھینچ لینا

4) retire


Break from a meeting or gathering.
We adjourned for lunch.
The men retired to the library.
الگ ہونا

5) retire


Make (someone) retire.
The director was retired after the scandal.
کسی کو فارغ کرنا

6) retire


Lose interest.
He retired from life when his wife died.
توجہ کہونا

7) retire


Prepare for sleep.
I usually turn in at midnight.
He goes to bed at the crack of dawn.
سونے جانا
سونے کی تیاری
سونے کی تیاری کرنا

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