Use of reversal in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include reversal at the start of sentence, reversal at the end of sentence and reversal in the middle of sentence

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reversal at the end of sentence

  1. This is a remarkable role reversal.
  2. But there has been some role reversal.
  3. All that represents an impressive reversal.
  4. Liberal opinion strongly favoured its reversal.
  5. The company's financial problems were only a temporary reversal.
  6. The opening of telecommunications markets represents a huge reversal.
  7. Some carers and dependants find it difficult to adapt to a role reversal .

reversal in the middle of sentence

  1. This is a complete reversal of fortunes.
  2. It's a complete role reversal / reversal of roles .
  3. The reversal of roles can cause the patient anxiety.
  4. The complete reversal of this policy was unheralded.
  5. The decision marks a sharp reversal in federal policy.
  6. He demanded a reversal of the previous decision/policy.
  7. This represents an apparent reversal of previous US policy.
  8. The government suffered a total reversal of fortunes last week.
  9. This reversal would have been practically impossible under Gats.
  10. Reagan, astonished by this sudden reversal, said, Absolutely not.
  11. Some Internet firms have suffered a painful reversal of fortune .
  12. The company suffered a great reversal of fortunes when public taste changed.
  13. Was the news of financial reversal enough to explain his uncharacteristic outburst?
  14. Some people looking after elderly parents have trouble with the role reversal involved.
  15. The Financial Times says the move represents a complete reversal of previous US policy.
  16. When children end up taking care of their parents, it is a strange role reversal indeed.
  17. Industrial unrest and cheaper imports played their part in the company's reversal of fortunes.
  18. Such a complete reversal of her usual immunity only served to strip her of every vestige of confidence.
  19. The most amusing thing about the period of my engagement to Karen was the degree of role reversal involved.
  20. In many marriages there has been a complete role reversal with the man staying at home and the woman going out to work.
  21. Moreover, it is not clear that schema theory would actually predict the reversal in results for different types of junction.
  22. The increase to an average of 120 cigarettes therefore suggests a reversal of the trend to lower consumption among male smokers.

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