Use of sarcastically in Sentences. 25 Examples

The examples include sarcastically at the start of sentence, sarcastically at the end of sentence and sarcastically in the middle of sentence

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sarcastically at the end of sentence

  1. 'Oh good,' he said sarcastically.
  2. "What a surprise!" Caroline murmured sarcastically.
  3. "Thanks so much for your help, " Tim said sarcastically.
  4. Ah, now we're getting at the truth,'he interposed sarcastically.
  5. 'John can't come.' 'What a shame,' my brother said sarcastically.
  6. You weren's very particular about the roomers you took, we said, sarcastically.
  7. The grey eyes widened in mock surprise. "How unusual to meet you here,'' she said sarcastically.

sarcastically in the middle of sentence

  1. F : ( sarcastically ) Fascinating, I. m sure!
  2. Annie: ( sarcastically ) Well, I can believe this.
  3. She smiled sarcastically at him and began preparations.
  4. SKINNER : ( sarcastically ) Our brand - new deputy director.
  5. Sam: ( sarcastically ) Oh. Oh. This is really fun . And helpful.
  6. When they knew how it came about, they sarcastically said: Humph!
  7. In certain conditions, answering back sarcastically is necessary.
  8. How kind of you, she said sarcastically when he let the door slam in her face.
  9. Frank: OK. ( sarcastically ) Is there anything else you need me to do, master?
  10. If so, Miranda thought sarcastically, Princess Anne would soon be old enough for him.
  11. El Chivo : [ sarcastically ] You have a good imagination, you must be in advertisement!
  12. Don't speak me sarcastically. You can not understand. It is not good to represent my English.
  13. He asked sarcastically.'You should have declared that. Perfume is not exempt from import duty.'
  14. He admonished sharply and sarcastically , his eyes radiating the hard and contempuous opposition.
  15. These scholars remarked the new financial policy sarcastically and regarded it would be a total failure.
  16. He read it out loud to his colleagues, quite sarcastically, expecting them to agree that it was ridiculous.
  17. Some clients would sneer or smile sarcastically when I showed them my old laptop -- until they saw what it could do.
  18. Saakashvili responded sarcastically that Russia was free to open a museum to memorialize Georgian oppression of Russians, and that he would even donate the funds.

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