Use of scenic in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include scenic at the start of sentence, scenic at the end of sentence and scenic in the middle of sentence

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scenic at the start of sentence

  1. Scenic walks are included in the modest daily rate.

scenic at the end of sentence

  1. It's green, mountainous and wildly scenic.
  2. The landscape became wider, flatter and very scenic.

scenic in the middle of sentence

  1. We took the scenic route home.
  2. Let's take the scenic route home.
  3. Why don't you take the scenic route?
  4. This is an extremely scenic part of America.
  5. Let's take the scenic route, along the coast.
  6. They took the scenic route back to the hotel.
  7. They took the scenic route back to the Palace.
  8. It was even marked on the map as a scenic route.
  9. We travelled to the coast by a very scenic route.
  10. We had plenty of time so we took the scenic route.
  11. The book contains over fifty scenic views of Cambridge.
  12. Highway 55 takes you up a very scenic route along the river.
  13. There are lots of scenic overlooks along the road from New York to Montreal.
  14. The state has long relied on its scenic beauty to draw visitors and attract business.
  15. Passengers on scenic helicopters must sign a form in advance attesting to their weight.
  16. It is famous for its scenic coastline, quiet fishing villages, and friendly inhabitants.
  17. Fire officials said developers are tempting fate by building deep into the scenic canyons.
  18. So it was that the scenic heritage of coast and countryside took on a special significance.
  19. A visitor to Keld does not have to be a long-distance walker to enjoy the scenic delights of the environs.
  20. For walkers there is the excitement of exploring Dartmoor National Park and the miles of scenic coastal path.
  21. Magisterial palaces and impressive churches sit alongside simple, scenic quaysides and straw-hatted gondoliers.
  22. Enjoy numerous scenic drives, or walk along coastlines taking in the breathtaking views Northern Ireland has to offer.
  23. Starting from the scenic Tunnel, long a tourist attraction, the pair headed for the opening that had previously been blasted.
  24. Each sovereign state has enacted legislation establishing national parks, scientific or scenic reserves and wilderness areas.
  25. Day 4 Pagan-Mandalay A morning flight takes you to Mandalay where scenic beauty and historical tragedy are inextricably meshed.
  26. A fast-paced, delightful story of Romantic Suspense that races through scenic Cornwall as Jessica tries to escape her unknown pursuer.

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