Use of schlep in Sentences. 14 Examples

The examples include schlep at the start of sentence, schlep at the end of sentence and schlep in the middle of sentence

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schlep at the end of sentence

  1. Interruption of mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus is very important to avoid HBV chronic schlep.

schlep in the middle of sentence

  1. It's a real schlep getting it all home.
  2. I'm not schlepping these suitcases all over town.
  3. I spent the afternoon schlepping around the house.
  4. I schlep into the living room and program the TiVo myself.
  5. Do I really have to schlep all that junk down to the cellar?
  6. You didn't just schlep your guitar around from folk club to folk club.
  7. I schlepped his bag all the way to the airport and he didn't even thank me.
  8. I passed the light three bags to my son and was prepared to schlep one box.
  9. The restaurant's supposed to be great but I don't feel like schlepping all the way out there.
  10. If you wake up, lay in bed for a while, schlep to the bathroom slowly get your coffee etc ... your day pretty well follows suit.
  11. While my husband was taking all the boxes out of the car. I passed the light three bags to my son and was prepared to schlep one box.
  12. Then you can have your own accompaniment collection and easy to schlep. It can enhance effect when playing or meeting with your friends.
  13. The capability and principle and the characteristics of the check-demarcate equipment for a kind ofconvenient schlep three-phase ammeter is introduced in the paper.

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