Use of sciatica in Sentences. 19 Examples

The examples include sciatica at the start of sentence, sciatica at the end of sentence and sciatica in the middle of sentence

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sciatica at the end of sentence

  1. Purpose : To observe clinical effect of continue sciatica.
  2. L 4, L 5, and S 1 nerve root syndromes are typical in sciatica.
  3. After a month or two the backache had eased, leaving me with sciatica.
  4. And compression of lower sacral nerve roots produces pain unlike that of sciatica.
  5. Some poses such as the Warrior poses can also help to ease back pain and sciatica.
  6. Objective To elucidate the role of nucleus pulposus in the pathogenesis of sciatica.
  7. These results refute the hypothesis that microbial infection plays a role in the pathogenesis of sciatica.
  8. Summary of Background Data . Bacteria hae been cultured from intervertebral discs of patients with sciatica.
  9. CONCLUSION: YTT is safe and effective in treatment of various osteoarthropathy, lumbar degeneration, lumbar muscle strain and sciatica.
  10. Piriformis syndrome is characterized by painful thigh and sciatica caused by piriformis muscle strain, inflammatory reaction or stimulation and oppressive sciatica.

sciatica in the middle of sentence

  1. Bernie said my sciatica would play me up and rule me out.
  2. Trisha's sciatica went away, but the pain in her lower back increased.
  3. sciatica: Pain along the course of the sciatic nerve, from the lower Back down each leg.
  4. Is acupuncture cure sciatica good? Can you accentuate inflammation department of gynaecology?
  5. Most sciatica patients are delighted with the results they get after weeks or months of care.
  6. Less than half were performed for sciatica or radiculopathy, where the greatest eidence of aailable.
  7. Objective: Study the curative effect of treating sciatica with galvano- acupuncture and TDP irradiation.
  8. That's the way many people describe their sciatica - one of the commonest and most debilitating forms of neuralgia.
  9. Pathomechanisms of sciatica in Lumbar Disc Herniation: Effect of Periradicular Adhesive Tissue on Electrophysiological Values by an Intraoperative Straight Leg Raising Test.

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