Use of seaman in Sentences. 28 Examples

The examples include seaman at the start of sentence, seaman at the end of sentence and seaman in the middle of sentence

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seaman at the start of sentence

  1. Seaman, however, was out of position, and dived too late to do anything but get a hand to it.
  2. Seaman should have saved the first goal, but did make a two world class saves against Berkamp and Rikaard.
  3. Seaman badly bruised a hip and came off early in the second half last weekend but has received extensive treatment.

seaman at the end of sentence

  1. He is an able seaman.
  2. That young man is a experienced seaman.
  3. When he earned his law degree in 1933, he had already worked as a merchant seaman.
  4. Cousteau, barely in his twenties, was a happy-go-lucky youngster, always eager and willing and a more than competent seaman.

seaman in the middle of sentence

  1. Was he a merchant seaman too?
  2. The good seaman is known is bad weather.
  3. No wonder, perhaps, that seaman dropped a brick.
  4. The Greek seaman went to the hospital five times.
  5. Phil was always a fearless seaman, and I am a very cautious one.
  6. David seaman was back in the Arsenal goal after breaking a knuckle.
  7. The seaman reappeared from behind the curtained off bunk section of the cabin.
  8. The seaman returned the nod and jerked his head towards the rear of the bridge.
  9. The seaman had been knocked out cold, helped considerably by the cider no doubt.
  10. With all the variety and adventure, Able seaman Green said she enjoyed her work.
  11. The 37-year-old merchant seaman killed Joyce after a night out ended in drunken violence.
  12. Most undersold transfer We've had loads but over the long term seaman has to be the one 245 7.
  13. Could not a free seaman in Port Philip properly have taken full advantage of a seller's market?
  14. Meale, who began working life as a merchant seaman and was later an Aycliffe councillor, is unamused.
  15. Such subversive navigation by an inferior was forbidden in the Royal Navy, as the unnamed seaman well knew.
  16. From there, any seaman or merchant could have carried the announcement down-stream across the Humber on the ferry.
  17. The fire which ironically had the purpose of killing Ralph and the island, saved them as a seaman spotted the smoke.
  18. He transferred shortly afterwards to the Dragon as an able seaman, but in 1761 he joined the Arrogant as a midshipman.
  19. Imagine a seaman of those days, having been confined to his vessel for weeks or months and finally getting shore leave.
  20. He had by this time been child factory worker, apprentice framework knitter and short-term seaman, so his reaction is significant.
  21. Able seaman Green said she and her ship mates would celebrate this Christmas at sea as they conduct security patrols in the Persian Gulf.

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